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Workforce Preparation  •  Professional Learning  •  Personal Development

Heartspeak powers community development through  mentoring programs, training and resources.

We grow compassionate, emotionally-engaged, inclusive, productive workplaces and communities.

We're dedicated to transforming the way we work, live and lead.

Invest in Heartspeak

Work has been in a state of flux for years. Employees, students and families are increasingly isolated, disconnected, and disengaged. The pandemic has escalated these challenges. Emotional engagement matters. 

Knowing how to communicate effectively and strengthen relationships is at the forefront of the re-imagined workforce and those preparing to enter it.

As disruption in the workplace continues, the value of social-emotional skills and compassionate leadership capacity for self and others endures and grows. This is key to unlocking productivity and well-being.

Heartspeak can help. We have a mission to help solve these challenges. Your investment will help us build the platform. 

Social-emotional skill development is like strengthening a muscle: it is an ongoing process and can be learned.

How Heartspeak Works

Funding will enable the creation of our membership platform, featuring  the following:

The Heartspeak Library, featuring video clips, documentaries, learning modules, and course materials—and the ability to build custom courses.

Sessions (virtual and in-person), hosted by Heartspeak Mentors/Facilitators

  • Accredited mentors specialize in social emotional development; inclusive leadership; mental health and wellbeing; and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
  • Work with founder Shelley Steele to co-lead and tailor sessions 

Deliverable Outcomes

Heartspeak stories and learning tools evoke emotional engagement, spark discussion, shift perspectives, open people’s minds to their differences, and inspire a new form of leadership within the future workforce.

Enhance personal and team capacity

  • Bring out the best in others
  • Make empathetic connections (advance willingness to speak with people who are different from you and listen to what they have to say)
  • Create a more inclusive workplace
  • Make better decisions and life choices
  • Improve mental health and well-being
  • Be a more compassionate leader (of self and others)
  • Compassionate Leadership?

    ✔︎  Improves employee engagement and retention 

    ✔︎  Fosters positive emotions, which…

    • boosts productivity 
    • lowers heart rate and blood pressure
    • strengthens the immune system
    • results in positive customer service interactions

    Deloitte, “Building the future-ready workforce”, 2021

A Diverse Range of Topics

The Heartspeak library includes videos and activities that address human relationships/skills that are relevant in both personal and professional contexts. Heartspeak content is flexible and can be accessed as complete presentations or arranged to fit a customized program.

  • Indigenous Reconciliation
  • Disabilities
  • Anti-Racism
  • Climate 
  • Relationship Violence (Bullying/Abuse/Sexual Assault)
  • Poverty
  • LGBTQ2S+ and Gender
  • Anxiety/Depression/Addiction

Organizations engaged in the business of workforce preparation:

  • Businesses and Organizations (e.g., healthcare, policing)
  • Post-Secondary Institutions (colleges and universities)
  • Schools (private and public)
  • Community Organizations and Associations

Who needs Heartspeak?

No matter who you are, or where you work, learn, and live, everyone can make connections and learn about themselves and others in a healthy way with Heartspeak.

Organizations engaged in the business of workforce preparation:

  • Businesses and Organizations (e.g., healthcare, policing)
  • Post-Secondary Institutions (colleges and universities)
  • Schools (private and public)
  • Community Organizations and Associations

Heartspeak is a platform for today

with a vision for the future.

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