Here’s how you can help Heartspeak amplify our goal to make the world a better place.
You want to see Heartspeak soar to new heights and have the means to make an impactful difference in the trajectory of our development.
Donations are processed through through CanadaHelps and all eligible donors receive a tax-deductible receipt.
We have the vision. We have the materials.
We need your help to build the scalable solution.
Sharing something about Heartspeak—in person or online—with people who you think can connect with our messages is a great way to make a difference!
Whether it's a link in an e-mail, a text, DMs, or anywhere you communicate, sharing a link directly to Heartspeak content that you feel will resonate with someone you care about can change their day for the better.
If you're feeling inspired by one of our videos, messages, or courses, talk about it on Social Media and mention @HeartspeakTV and/or link to
How to tag someone in a photo:
If your organization/school has a fundraising or grant program that lets you choose or nominate a cause to donate to, tell them about Heartspeak, provide them with a link to our website, and ask them to
get in touch.
See also: