Building a
Workforce Preparation • Career Exploration • Employee Development
We are
dedicated to
transforming the way we work, live and lead—through
training—we grow compassionate,
emotionally-engaged, inclusive, and productive workplaces and communities.
Heartspeak is a mentoring program to support workplace preparation, career exploration, and employee development with a focus on social emotional and inclusive skill development.
Work has been in a state of flux for years. Employees, students and families are increasingly isolated, disconnected, and disengaged. The pandemic has escalated these challenges. Emotional engagement matters.
Knowing how to communicate effectively and strengthen relationships is at the forefront of the re-imagined workforce and those preparing to enter it.
As disruption in the workplace continues, the value of social-emotional skills and compassionate leadership capacity for self and others endures and grows. This is key to unlocking productivity and well-being.
Research confirms empathy matters. (quote)
Research confirms compassion matters. (quote)
Heartspeak can help. We have a mission to help solve these challenges.
See also: Why Support Heartspeak? The Heartspeak Solution.
Heartspeak content is flexible and can be accessed as complete presentations or arranged to fit a customized program. Resources include:
No matter who you are, or where you work, learn, and live, everyone can make connections and learn about themselves and others in a healthy way with Heartspeak.
Organizations engaged in the business of workforce preparation, career exploration, and employee development:
“Heartspeak improves employee relationships, strengthens organizational culture, opens up discussion around difficult and sensitive topics. “
—HR Manager, Furniture Bank
“This is the most profound professional learning session I have ever had.”
—Guidance Counsellor, Peel District School Board
Heartspeak builds and strengthens:
✔︎ Improves employee engagement and retention
✔︎ Fosters positive emotions, which…
Deloitte, “Building the future-ready workforce”, 2021
Heartspeak mentors
share lived experiences and lessons that include aspirations, life challenges, career paths, turnarounds, and
what has made all the difference.
Heartspeak mentors are volunteers who may be youth, young adults, senior executives with top national and international corporations from all walks of life. Others are entrepreneurs who run their own organizations or hold careers in the trades. Still others are firefighters, lawyers, artists, faith leaders, police officers, social service workers, athletes, or politicians. We welcome expertise from every field of endeavour.
collaborate and partner
with organizations engaged in workplace preparation, career exploration, and employee development
Organizations engaged in the business of workforce preparation:
We seek to collaborate and partner with organizations engaged in workplace preparation, career exploration, and employee development,
Financial support will enable the launch of the NEW subscription-based learning and mentoring platform.
Members will search and access the:
Insert image of platform
We have the vision. We have the materials.
We need your help to build the scalable solution.
Your investment will help this solution become a reality.